Category: Uncategorized
Risultati elezioni SIGRAV
sigravJune 19, 2024

Le votazioni per eleggere il presidente e quattro consiglieri si sono concluse il 18 giugno. Negli allegati potete trovare i risultati. Congratulazioni al presidente rieletto e ai quattro nuovi consiglieri. La commissione elettorale Massimo Bassan Roberto Casadio Paolo Natoli Scrutinio – Elezione del Presidente Scrutinio – Rinnovo di quattro membri del Consiglio Direttivo

SIGRAV elections
sigravJune 14, 2024

From Monday 17 June (starting at 9:00 CEST) to Tuesday 18 June (ending at 19:00) SIGRAV will vote for its president and to renew four board members. The e-voting procedure will be carried out via the ELIGO platform. Electors should have already received their credentials. If you did not receive your own (please do check […]

Meeting of the FLAG INFN collaboration
sigravJune 2, 2024

The INFN theory group collaboration (“Iniziativa Specifica”) FLAG will meet in Catania 9-11 September. Check out

First SIGRAV Colloquium by Reinhard Genzel
sigravMay 3, 2024

The SIGRAV CD is happy to announce the first SIGRAV Colloquium, to be held online on Thursday 23 may at 16:00 CEST. Our first speaker will be Nobel laureate Reinhard Genzel ((Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany). A zoom link will be provided soon. Title: Galaxies and Black Holes Abstract: The discovery of the […]

Amaldi Medals and SIGRAV prizes 2023
sigravSeptember 6, 2023

The recipients of the 2023 Amaldi medals are: Jospeph Silk and Gabriele Veneziano. The 2023 SIGRAV prizes (for scientists under 40 who work in Italy) are assigned to: Giulia Gubitosi and Sunny Vagnozzi The prizes will be assigned during the SIGRAV XXV conference in Trieste, when special seminars will be held by the awardees.