The 2023 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for outstanding research in General Relativity has been awarded to Dr. Elisa Maggio. The Committee consisted of Profs. Lars Andersson, Mauro Carfora, Gerhard Huisken, Luciano Rezzolla, and Fulvio Ricci. The prizes will be presented to Elisa Maggio at the 25th edition of the “Italian Society for General Relativity and […]
The recipients of the 2023 Amaldi medals are: Jospeph Silk and Gabriele Veneziano. The 2023 SIGRAV prizes (for scientists under 40 who work in Italy) are assigned to: Giulia Gubitosi and Sunny Vagnozzi The prizes will be assigned during the SIGRAV XXV conference in Trieste, when special seminars will be held by the awardees.